Friday, October 9, 2009

Do you care?

God wants us to care about people; He cared enough to send His son to die for them. He cared enough to carry the weight of sin and death for you and I. The very least we can do is to show our Bothers and Sisters love and compassion. What is compassion Webster’s defines it like this (The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it) God want us to be people of love and compassion. Not having pity on people but genuinely caring about their situations.

People mess things up in their lives everyday. They don’t need someone standing over their shoulder telling them that they have messed up. They already know that. God wants us to show love to one another. Remember the story of the woman who was caught in the very act of adultery? What did Jesus do? He didn’t condemn her. He didn’t commend her either. But he loved her and said. “Where are your accusers? Neither do I condemn thee” Now watch this next part. Go and sin no more!! Jesus didn’t condemn her. He gave her a life change through love and compassion. People want to be loved. They are out looking for it in all kinds of places. Shouldn’t the church be the place where they get it?

That’s what I think about it…….