Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Be Afraid to Love

There are people who will tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don’t believe it!! It’s an old tactic used by cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue. There is nothing wrong with love. Have we forgotten the message of our Savior? The message is simple. It is the art of loving people. There are times when you feel lost in this world or you feel upside down in it. Sometimes you feel like nothing makes sense. But love can make sense in a senseless situation. We have all heard that “love is patient, love is kind” but love is much more than just that. Love won’t leave you out in the rain. or in the cold. But love will also tell you the truth. Imagine that!! The truth is not always easy to hear. But someone who loves you will tell you the truth even when it hurts.

So don’t be afraid to love. At the risk of sounding completely corny… What the world needs now is love sweet love. Don’t be afraid to love even when you don’t agree with someone. Don’t be afraid to love even when someone has hurt you. Don’t be afraid to love when you are thinking that everyone hates you. Love will make a difference. Love is not just pretty and nice but love is honest and true.

And that my friend is the way I feel...


Friday, September 11, 2009


I like to begin my blogs as if I am in the middle of a conversation. So with that being said…

I’m sitting here thinking about all the pressure that comes with life, and how our society today creates pressure. You have to live in a certain neighborhood before you can get any credibility with certain people; or you have to drive a certain car. In some cases you have to look a certain way!! Shouldn’t we just see people for who they are and maybe... oh I don’t know... see if they can offer anything without concerning ourselves with houses, cars or looks.

There are a lot of talented people out there just wanting to find the right opportunity. It seems to me that our society is creating too much pressure on people. That is why we have people shooting up McDonalds or Post Offices all over the country. I believe people are tired of being treated like a second-class citizen because they don’t look or act the way society thinks they should. You can have a person that is extremely talented, but a little... how shall we say it….plain to look at? And then another person that is not nearly as talented, but looks good and sexy. Guess who gets the job!! That’s just wrong!!

I think people need to be more reasonable and look for talent rather than looks or sex appeal. If they don’t change that way of thinking, we are going to hear more and more of people having mental breakdowns and blowing $#!@! up!!.. oh... I mean blowing crap up!! That’s just my opinion. I would be interested to know what you think!